Results for 'Dr Yans Eshuts'

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  1.  44
    The Role of Entrepreneur Cognition on Core Rigidity.Yan Guo, Pei-Wen Huang, Meihui Chou, Shih-Chieh Fang & Fu-Sheng Tsai - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Against the backdrop of economic internationalization and market globalization, the world has witnessed faster competitive contents with a more dynamic market environment, a more rapid technological innovation, and more diverse customer needs. Thus, for every enterprise especially led by entrepreneurs, the focus is to maintain the sustainability of competitive advantages and dynamically transform core capacity to avoid rigidity. This paper introduces the process of the deepened rigidity in WS Co. Company, which occurs due to the wrong cognition of Dr. S (...)
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  2. Anuprayukta darśanaśāstra: vividha āyāma: Ḍô. Hr̥daya Nārāyaṇa Miśra abhinandana grantha = Applied philosophy: various dimensions: Dr. H.N. Mishra felicitation volume.Hr̥dayanārāyaṇa Miśra & Vijai Kant Dubey (eds.) - 2016 - Dillī, Bhārata: Nyū Bhāratīya Buka Kôraporeśana.
    Contributed articles on dimensions of applied philosophy; felicitation volume in honor of Hr̥daya Nārāyaṇa Miśra, author and Indian philosopher; includes selected works of honouree.
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  3. Dini Epistemoloji Nedir?Musa Yanık - 2022 - İstanbul, Türkiye: Düşün Yayıncılık.
    Dini epistemoloji, teistik inançların rasyonel zeminde gerekçelendirilme yollarını arayan, çağdaş epistemolojinin bir alt dalıdır. Musa Yanık, bu kitapta günümüzdeki en güçlü yaklaşım olan reform epistemolojisinden güvenilircilik bakış açısıyla yani “daha yüksek bir olasılıkla doğru olması yönünden” İslam inancının rasyonelliğini ortaya koymakta ve uygulamalı dini epistemolojinin sağlam ve cesur bir örneğini sergilemektedir. (Prof. Dr. Hasan Yücel Başdemir) -/- Epistemoloji topyekûn insan zihnini biçimlendirme ve inanç da dahil olmak üzere bilişsel faaliyetleri yönlendirme potansiyeline sahip bir alandır. Zira Allah’ın varlığı, birliği, nübüvvet ve (...)
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  4. Cultural Hegemony in Colonial and Contemporary Literary Discourse on Malaysia 2 Dr. Ganakumaran Subramaniam & Shanthini Pillai “Inquiring Love of This World”: An Implicit Love Theory of Chinese University Students 14 Zhaoxu Li & Fuyang Yu Analysis of Culture and Buyer Behavior in Chinese Market 25. [REVIEW]Yan Luo, Qianfang Shen, Jiaxian Qian, Zubaidah Zainal Abidin, Azwan Abdul Rashid, Kamaruzaman Jusoff, Xiang Xu, Feirui Li, Fan Fang & Hongxia Liu - forthcoming - Asian Culture and History.
  5.  16
    Studies on the Fundamental Theory of Bigu (Food Abstinence)—Preliminary Experimental Observations of Cellular Bigu.Zhen-Qin Xia, Hua Shen, Jun Wang, Hongmei Li, Alexis Traynor-Kaplan & Xin Yan - 2002 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 22 (5):392-396.
    Clinical studies as well as hundreds of case reports have indicated that Yan Xin Life Science Technology has enabled human participants to live a normal life with little or no food intake for prolonged periods—a state referred to as bigu. Bigu is described in historical records as “taking in qi to avoid food,” and is regarded as a special technique to achieve a long and healthy life. In this study, experiments were designed to study whether cells in vitro can survive (...)
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    Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi Yeni Sayı: Cilt 23 Sayı 3 (Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Özel Sayısı).Sema Yilmaz - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1073-1076.
    Gayretimin bir kısmı bilim dünyasına hizmet, ama diğer çok mühim bir gayesi ise; koskoca bir İslam aleminin yitirmiş olduğu kendine hürmeti, güveni ve insanlık tarihindeki yerini hatırlatmak, kaybettiklerini inşa etmek içindir. Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin anısına ithaf ettiğimiz Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Özel Sayımıza hoşgeldiniz. Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin, 24 Ekim 1924 tarihinde Bitlis’te dünyaya gelen Fuat Sezgin, il-kokulu Doğubayazıt’ta, ortaokul ve liseyi ise Erzurum’da bitirdikten sonra 1943 yılında İstanbul’a geldi. İstanbul Üniversitesi şarkiyat (Doğu bilimi) Araştırmaları (...)
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  7.  54
    Mehmet Karasan'ın Felsefesini Descartes Tercümeleri Aracılığıyla Anlamak.Alper Bilgehan Yardımcı (ed.) - 2024 - Ankara: Doğu Batı Yayınları.
    Prof. Dr. Mehmet Karasan 1907 yılında Denizli, Çivril’de doğdu . İlk ve orta öğrenimini Çivril ve Konya’da, lise eğitimini 1928 yılında İstanbul Erkek Lisesi’nde tamamladıktan sonra aynı yıl Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı’nın yurt dışı eğitim bursunu kazanarak Fransa, Lyon Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi, Felsefe ve Sosyoloji bölümünde lisans eğitimi almaya hak kazandı. 1932 yılında yurt dışı eğitimini tamamlamasının ardından 1933 yılında İstanbul Üniversitesi Felsefe Bölümüne doçent olarak atandı. 1942 Yılında İstanbul Üniversitesi Felsefe Bölümü asistanı Nusret Hızır ve pedagoji doçenti Bedii Ziya Egemen (...)
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  8.  33
    Gerald Sullivan. Margaret Mead, Gregory Bateson, and Highland Bali: Fieldwork Photographs of Bayung Gedé, 1936–1939. x + 213 pp., frontis., illus., app., bibl., index. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999. $45, £31.50. [REVIEW]Virginia Yans-Mclaughlin - 2003 - Isis 94 (2):398-398.
  9.  24
    Derek Freeman. The Fateful Hoaxing of Margaret Mead: A Historical Analysis of Her Samoan Research. xii + 270 pp., frontis., illus., figs., apps. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1999. $16. [REVIEW]Virginia Yans - 2004 - Isis 95 (1):140-141.
  10.  21
    Nancy C. Lutkehaus. Margaret Mead: The Making of an American Icon. xviii + 374 pp., illus., bibl., index. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008. $39.95. [REVIEW]Virginia Yans - 2010 - Isis 101 (2):451-452.
  11.  38
    Kinderwunsch und Wunschkinder.Dr Tanja Krones, Elke Neuwohner, Susan El Ansari, Thomas Wissner & Gerd Richter - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (1):51-62.
    Eines der medizinischen Felder, in dem die ethische Diskussion um die „wunscherfüllende Medizin“ am intensivsten geführt wird, ist die Reproduktionsmedizin, die die Erfüllung des „Kinderwunsches“ verspricht. Strittig ist besonders, ob Sterilität als Krankheit definiert wird, die eine medizinische Intervention rechtfertigt, ob sich aus der Sterilität oder Infertilität lediglich ein Abwehr- oder auch ein positives Anspruchsrecht auf medizinische Ressourcen ergibt, ob legitime Fortpflanzungsmedizin Grenzen hat. Nach einer Übersicht über Eckpunkte der nationalen und internationalen Debatte beschreiben wir im zweiten Teil Ansichten zum (...)
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  12.  16
    Teaching Listening Skills to EFL Students Using AI-Driven Technology-Based Media.Dr Paiker Fatima Mazhar Hameed & Dr Afreen Faiyaz Al Haq - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1989-1999.
    The aim of this paper is to find how much AI can be useful or as an aid in developing listening skill. A review has been made to past studies as well as the recent developments and innovations made by linguists and teaching community, yielding relevant observations. The present writing is an attempt at exhibiting how much the latest technology is effective which has been tailor-made to suit determined purpose directed at developing the listening skills of EFL learners. It is (...)
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    Das Identitätsproblem der tiefen Hirnstimulation und einige seiner praktischen Implikationen.Dr Karsten Witt - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (1):5-18.
    Ein Leitmotiv der medizinethischen Auseinandersetzung mit der tiefen Hirnstimulation (THS) ist die Beschäftigung mit Fragen personaler Identität. Da es sich bei personaler Identität auch um ein Problem der theoretischen Philosophie handelt, wird in diesem Aufsatz nicht nur die praktische Frage nach der ethischen Legitimation der THS durch informierte Einwilligung gestellt und ein modifiziertes Legitimationskriterium für wesensändernde THS erarbeitet. Vielmehr wird zunächst versucht, das Problem, um das es in der Debatte um THS und personaler Identität geht, besser zu verstehen.
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  14.  13
    In-Depth Research on the Behavioral Impact of Violence-Oriented Cartoons among Children.Dr Sonia Riyat, Hemal Thakker, Aseem Aneja, Adarsha Harinaiha, Shobhit Goyal, Dr Yashesh Zaveri & Abhinav Mishra - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:683-693.
    One significant experience in children's early life is watching cartoons. This activity has a significant impact on a variety of variables, including kids' behavioral and cognitive development. This study focuses on school-age children, namely those in the 4–13 age range. This study focuses on the effects of the Violence-Oriented Cartoons channel on children's entire development, including language, motor, social learning, social cognitive, and moral development. 500 samples from various ages of children’s Group A and Group B were gathered for this (...)
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  15.  20
    Our Policy and Philosophy of Education by B. A. Çetinkaya.Mehmet Deri - 2023 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 13 (13:1):250-254.
    Tanzimat’la başlayan eğitim felsefesi ve politikamız, Batı eksenli bir seyir içerisine girmiştir. Cumhuriyet’e kadar yürütülen iyileştirme ve ıslah çalışmaları ise kayda değer bir gelişme gösterememiştir. Osmanlı dönemindeki birtakım önemli girişimler ve düzenlemeler, Cumhuriyet dönemini hazırlamıştır. Islahat, Meşrutiyet ve Cumhuriyet dönemleri, Batılı paradigmaların çevresinde eğitimi konumlama ve kodlama çalışmalarıyla sürmüşse de bu eğitim paradigmasının manevî ve yerli/millî değerlerden kopuk, pozitivist eksenli olması eğitimde beklenen olumlu neticeyi vermemiştir. Bir ülkenin eğitim politikası, o ülkenin önem verdiği ve eğitim sistemine de yansımış olan değerlerle (...)
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  16.  10
    Investigating the Connection Among Quality Management Effectiveness and Organizational Culture.Dr Praveen Kumar Thakur, Dr Vinima Gambhir, Dukhbhanjan Singh, Sudhakar Reddy, Shitij Goyal, Dr Sushmita Singh & Prateek Aggarwal - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:991-1000.
    The success of an organization depends on its quality management (QM) and organizational culture (OC). While QM seeks to improve the caliber of products and services, OC consider to share beliefs and behaviors that impact working relationships. Together, they deliver excellent performance and a competitive advantage. The goal of the study is to evaluate how various OC factors affect QM methods and their effectiveness. The comprehensive evaluation provided by the study is based on data from 320 experts, validated questionnaires and (...)
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  17.  87
    Gesetzlicher Regelungsbedarf der passiven und indirekten Sterbehilfe in Deutschland.Dr med Frank Oehmichen, Meinolfus Strätling & Alfred Simon - 2003 - Ethik in der Medizin 15 (3):239-242.
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  18.  10
    Gamophobia and Its Relationship with Family Communication Patterns among Unmarried Postgraduate Students at Yarmouk University.Dr Ali Saleh Jarwan & Yasmeen Khaled Abu- Al-Rub - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:206-227.
    This study aimed to assess the prevalence of gamophobia among unmarried graduate students at Yarmouk University, Jordan, and to explore its correlation with family communication patterns. The sample comprised 255 male and female students selected through convenience sampling. The results indicated that the overall level of gamophobia within the sample was moderate. Notably, gamophobia levels were significantly higher among females and employed students compared to their male and unemployed counterparts. No significant differences in gamophobia levels related to age or educational (...)
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  19.  8
    The Incorrect Use of Artificial Intelligence Applications among University Students and their Impact on the Credibility of Learning.Dr Mohamad Ahmad Saleem Khasawneh - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:633-644.
    This study aims to explore the level of using artificial intelligence applications among university students and their impact on the credibility of e-learning. The study used the descriptive method because it is suitable for the study. The study included a sample of 94 Jordanian university students, who were selected by stratified random method. The study used a questionnaire of 40 items as the research instrument to determine the level of the use of artificial intelligence technology and distance education in distorting (...)
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  20.  7
    Impact of Digital Evolution on Customer Relationship Strategies in the Banking Sector.Dr Varsha Agarwal, Avni Garg, Simar Olakh, K. Dr Lakshman, Prabhat Sharma, Dr Dhruvin Chauhan & Shubhi Goyal - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:877-889.
    Digital evolution in the banking sector refers to the integration and development of digital innovations, such as internet banking, mobile applications, AI, and data analytics in banking operations and customer service measures. The research examines the influence of digital development on customer interaction strategies in the banking sector. As banks increasingly adopt digital tools to meet customer expectations for convenience and personalized services, the dynamics of customer relationships are changing. The study purpose is to understand how digital transformation influences customer (...)
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  21.  6
    Exploring Innovative Approaches to Managing Cultural Heritage for Economic Benefit.Dr Kajal Chheda, Mohan Garg, Monika, Anila Bajpai, Sanjay Bhatnagar, Vidhya Lakshmi & Anvesha Garg - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:952-962.
    Cultural heritage management is essential for protecting the historical and cultural significance of sites while contributing to economic growth. This study's objective is to ascertain and evaluate modern management techniques for heritage sites that maximize economic benefits while ensuring sustainable protection. It seeks to discover methods that effectively stabilize heritage conservation with economic development goals. This study investigates the relationship between Economic benefits, Cultural preservation, Public Engagement, Community Impact, Sustainability of Management Practices, and Innovative approaches to managing cultural heritage utilizing (...)
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  22.  6
    Using TED Talks to Improve Motivation of Learning English Language Skills among Middle School Students with Learning Disabilities.Dr Mohamad Ahmad Saleem Khasawneh - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:674-685.
    This study aimed to use TED Talks, which are abundant with real-life examples of English language use, that might improve the public speaking skills of elementary-level Jordanian EFL students with learning disabilities. The study also aimed at identifying the attitudes of the students with learning disabilities toward using TED Talks to increase motivation to learn English. This research used a quasi-experimental approach. The present study included 68 female EFL tenth graders from the Irbid Schools for Girls, a public institution under (...)
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  23.  6
    Study on Assessing the Evolution of Nutritional Choices through Social Media Influence.Dr Charu Wadhwa, Hemal Thakker, Vaibhav Kaushik, Honganur Raju Manjunath, Shobhit Goyal, Axita Thakkar & Madhur Grover - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:860-869.
    Social media-related nutritional decisions influencers and commercial postings on social media have a significant impact on people's eating habits, purchasing decisions, and decisions about food in general. It also shapes people's dietary practices and overall nutrition. Investigating dietary habits through social media can be disadvantageous to the potential for biased or inaccurate information, as sensational content can lead to unreliable nutritional advice. The 160 participants' nutritional choices using social media influence data are collected, and random questionnaires are collected. There are (...)
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  24.  6
    The Contrast of Common and Genitive Cases: The Case of Albanian and English Language.Dr Shkelqim Millaku & Dr Xhevahire Millaku - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:924-929.
    Case is a grammatical category which shows the noun’s relationship to other parts of speech or its function in the sentence. Albanian standard language has five cases and they are: Common case, genitive, dative, accusative and ablative case and English nouns today have only a two-case system: the unmarked common case (book, teacher, boy) and the marked genitive case (book’s, teacher’s, boy’s). In Albanian the possessive cases can be with the definite article i, e, të and së, so between English (...)
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  25.  5
    Analyzing the Relationship between Cultural Identity and Health Professional Perspectives.Samaksh Goyal, Dr Bharat Patil, Shikhar Gupta, Nishant Kumar, Vinima Gambhir, Preetjot Singh & Naveen Kumar Rajendran - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:880-894.
    Having a systematicseize of cultural diversity is necessary for health professionals to present culturally competent treatment, enhance patient satisfaction and recover healthcare outcomes. To better recognize how cultural identity (CI) affects the attitudes, communication preferences and decision-making processes of health professionals, this research looks at how cultural competency is integrated into healthcare education and strategy.This study examines the influence of CI on the perspectives and practices of health professionals and its impact on patient care. People's behaviors and self-perceptions are greatly (...)
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  26.  5
    Teaching and Enhancing Foreign Language Grammar Using Social Media Platforms, and the Strategic Impacts on Students’ Speaking Skills.Dr Mohamad Ahmad Saleem Khasawneh - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:588-600.
    This research explores an innovative application of social media platforms, particularly Instagram live streaming sessions and language courses on YouTube, to improve proficiency in speaking and grammar of foreign language undergraduates. It investigated the effects of various social media platforms on language competence and to evaluate the relevance of these platforms to language teaching. The study used a pretest-post-test experiment methodology with a sample size of 392 individuals, who were split into groupings: Control and Experimental. To compare the means of (...)
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  27.  6
    Beyond Foundationalism: Rethinking Justified Belief in a Networked Age.Dr Katerina Papadopoulos - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Criticism 6 (2):151-160.
    _The traditional philosophical concept of justified belief, a cornerstone of epistemology, faces unprecedented challenges in the digital age. The rise of social media, online information overload, and the proliferation of echo chambers have cast doubt on the possibility of establishing reliable knowledge claims in a networked environment. This article argues that the foundationalist approach to justified belief, which emphasizes individual justification based on private evidence, is no longer tenable in this new context. Instead, we propose a networked epistemology that emphasizes (...)
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  28.  4
    The Degree of Availability of Quality-of-Life Domains in Third-Grade Textbooks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Dr Ashwag Ahmed Almethen, Dr Nadia Ahmed A. A. L. Jadidi, Dr Asma Margeni Hussien Ali & Dr Aida Theeb Mohammad - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:694-727.
    The main purpose of this study is to reveal the degree of availability of quality-of-life domains in third-grade textbooks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and monitoring indicators of quality-of-life domains. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, it has been used the descriptive method through content analysis method, and it has been prepared a list of indicators of quality-of-life domains. The study sample consisted of all the textbooks of the third-grade of primary school for the three semesters (...)
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  29.  4
    The Relationship between Social and Emotional Competencies and Standardized Test Scores among Elementary Schools in Saudi Arabia.Dr Mohamad Ahmad Saleem Khasawneh - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:611-621.
    This study examines the relationship between social and emotional abilities and standardized test results among elementary school students in Saudi Arabia. The data was collected using a purposive sampling strategy, with the Social and Emotional Learning Assessment Scale (SELAS) used to assess skills and actual educational material utilized to provide standardized test results. Data analysis involves the utilization of descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficients, regression assessment, ANCOVA, and subgroup analyses. The results indicate a robust and positive correlation between social and (...)
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  30.  3
    Predictive Analytics for Sustainable Investment Portfolios in Banking.Dr Priyanka Verma & Rishi Verma - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1893-1905.
    Purpose: The main purpose of the study is to generate an idea about the validity of data-driven predictive analytics related to sustainable banking investment portfolio development. Methodology: Depending on the positivism philosophy, the researcher has focused on generating a hypothesis that can be evaluative and generate an outcome related to the topic under discussion. The descriptive design of the study has helped the researcher develop an idea about the different perspectives related to sustainable investment and ESG goals. The primary quantitative (...)
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    The Most Beautiful Names of Allah “Ghafir, Ghaffar, and Ghafoor” in the Holy Qur’an (Morphological and Semantic Study).Dr Eshraga Elhaj Abdalhafez Hassan - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:134-141.
    Morphological forms are used to refer to the root of a word and its material with which its letters are built, and to its functions, derivations, and morphological structures that characterize it in addition to its semantic and lexical functions. The Arabic language includes many morphological structures with a single root, such as (the Most Merciful and the Most Merciful) and (Hafez and Hafeez). and (Shakour and Shaker) (Ghafara, Ghafer, and Ghafoor). These morphological connotations of the same root, despite the (...)
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  32.  3
    The Role of Sustainable Tourism in Enhancing Cultural Heritage Preservation: In-depth Analysis.Dr Jayaprakash Lamoria, Abhinav Mishra, Nishant Kumar, Prem Colaco, Tarang Bhatnagar, Ranganathaswamy Madihalli Kenchappa & Tusha - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:870-879.
    Sustainable tourism is essential to improving the preservation of cultural property since it encourages ethical travel, helps local communities, and raises money for conservation initiatives. It guarantees the preservation of cultural treasures for future generations while promoting awareness and appreciation of them. In this paper, the relationship between sustainable tourism practice, environmental policies, tourist education, community involvement, tourism revenue allocation, and cultural heritage preservation were evaluated using structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis. Five hypotheses were developed and the dataset includes 232 (...)
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    Exploring the Cultural Dimensions of Translation: A Critical Analysis of Snell-Hornby's Approach.Dr Hanan Mahgoub Hamed Mohamad - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:201-220.
    This paper analyzes Mary Snell-Hornby's seminal theoretical framework for understanding translation as an inherently cultural process. Snell-Hornby was pioneering in establishing that translation requires navigating differences in worldviews and cultural competence. Key concepts explored are culture-bound language elements, the role of expertise, and translation studies' interdisciplinarity. Practical linguistic and textual challenges posed by cultural variation are examined, along with proposed strategies for references and idioms. Case studies reveal cultural influences on translation processes and outcomes. A critical evaluation identifies strengths like (...)
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  34. Process Industry Disrupted: AI and the need for human orchestration.Dr M. W. Vegter, Prof dr Blok Vincent & Dr R. Wesselink - forthcoming - Journal of Responsible Technology.
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    Loners: The Life Path of Unusual Children.Dr Sula Wolff & Sula Wolff - 1995 - Routledge.
    Some children seem different, detached, disinterested in the games of other children. They prefer their hobbies to friends of their own age and if forced into community activities, as they often are at school, can become aggressive and difficult. In _Loners_, Sula Wolff describes a childhood personality syndrome that has frequently been neglected. Often using children's own words, their lives and problems become real as she unwraps their stories from first referral to adulthood. Some have become talented and successful adults, (...)
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    Study on Analysing the Student Perspectives on Cultural and Social Diversity in Education.Abhishek Singla, Dr Charu Wadhwa, Dr Vinima Gambhir, Simranjeet Nanda, Vinay Kumar Sadolalu Boregowda, Anvesha Garg & Vidhya Lakshmi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:982-990.
    Education is presently required to create inclusive, supportive, and validating environments for education and experiences, while educational organizations continue to maintain students from many different kinds of cultural and socially diverse backgrounds. This research investigates how students engage and collaborate with diverse cultures and social environments to identify the key features influencing their social relationships and learning outcomes. To determine the possibilities and difficulties that students experience in a varied educational environment and make suggestions for the enhancements and assessment techniques (...)
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    Ethische Reflexion und Entscheidungsfindung im professionellen Pflegehandeln realisieren.Prof Dr Annette Riedel - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (1):1-4.
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    A European Initiative: Irigaray, Marx, and Citizenship.Dr Martin Alison - forthcoming - Hypatia 19 (3):20-37.
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    Law, liability and expert systems.Dr Joseph A. Cannataci - 1989 - AI and Society 3 (3):169-183.
    This paper examines some of the possible legal implications of the production, marketing and use of expert systems. The relevance of a legally useful definition of expert systems, comprising systems designed for use both by laymen and professionals, is related to the distinctions inherent in the legal doctrine underlying provision of goods and provision of services. The liability of the sellers and users of, and contributors to, expert systems are examined in terms of professional malpractice as well as product liability. (...)
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    Therapeutisches Klonen — Ethisch verantwortbar oder nicht?Dr Sabine Freudenstein - 2005 - Ethik in der Medizin 17 (3):243-247.
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    Annette Riedel, Sonja Lehmeyer, Astrid Elsbernd (2011) Einführung von ethischen Fallbesprechungen – ein Konzept für die Pflegepraxis. Ethisch begründetes Handeln praktizieren.Dr László Kovács - 2012 - Ethik in der Medizin 24 (3):257-258.
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  42. Naturalism.Dr David Macarthur - unknown
    Naturalism is a term that stands for a family of positions that endorse the general idea of being true to, or guided by, “nature”, an idea as old as Western thought itself (e.g. Aristotle is often called a naturalist) and as various and open-ended as interpretations of “nature”. Since the rise of the modern scientific revolution in the seventeenth century, nature has increasingly come to be identified with the-worldas-studied-by-the-sciences. Consequently, naturalism has come to mean a set of positions defined in (...)
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    Überlegungen zum Krankheitsbegriff aus strahlentherapeutischer Sicht.Dr med Christof Schäfer - 2003 - Ethik in der Medizin 15 (2):97-108.
    Der Krankheitsbegriff soll aus der Perspektive der klinischen Medizin am Beispiel der Radioonkologie dargestellt werden. Als theoretisches Modell zum ganzheitlichen Verständnis wird zunächst der interaktive Dualismus eingeführt. Danach wird die Interaktion zwischen Geist und Körper als wesentlich angesehen, um den Patienten mit Würde und Mitgefühl zu behandeln. Auch die Strahlentherapie erfordert nach ihrem Selbstverständnis einen ganzheitlichen Zugang zum Patienten. Demgegenüber zeigt die Analyse der aktuellen radioonkologischen Literatur einen reduktionistischen Krankheitsbegriff, der in erster Linie objektive Kriterien aus ärztlicher Sicht zur Definition (...)
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    Allokationsethik aus Sicht des Personalmanagements im Krankenhaus.Dr Jürgen Wallner - 2011 - Ethik in der Medizin 23 (4):283-289.
    Es ist in der Literatur weithin bekannt, dass im Gesundheitswesen auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen Allokationsentscheidungen getroffen werden. Während es auf der Makroebene um gesellschaftlich-politische Strukturfragen geht, stehen die Akteure der Mikroebene vor der Aufgabe, begrenzte Ressourcen in einer Organisation sinnvoll einzusetzen. In den ethischen Analysen der Mikro-Allokationsebene werden zumeist Entscheidungen der Healthcare Professionals thematisiert, weil sie eine unmittelbare Auswirkung auf die konkreten Patienten haben. Weniger in den Blick geraten Allokationen des Managements, welche die Rahmenbedingungen für Ressourcenzuteilungen beim Patienten betreffen. Hierbei geht (...)
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    Treading on hallowed ground.Dr Mark D. Williams & Charles B. Rodning - 1996 - Journal of Medical Humanities 17 (2):103-118.
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    Wie sollten Ärzte mit Patientenverfügungen umgehen? Ein Vorschlag aus interdisziplinärer Sicht.Prof Dr Phil Dieter Birnbacher, Peter Dabrock, Jochen Taupitz & Jochen Vollmann - 2007 - Ethik in der Medizin 19 (2):139-147.
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    Jean-Paul Sartre: Key Concepts.Steven Churchill & Dr Jack Reynolds (eds.) - 2013 - Durham: Routledge.
    Most readers of Sartre focus only on the works written at the peak of his influence as a public intellectual in the 1940s, notably "Being and Nothingness". "Jean-Paul Sartre: Key Concepts" aims to reassess Sartre and to introduce readers to the full breadth of his philosophy. Bringing together leading international scholars, the book examines concepts from across Sartre's career, from his initial views on the "inner life" of conscious experience, to his later conceptions of hope as the binding agent for (...)
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    Ecocentering Strategic Management.Dr Paul Shrivastava - 2000 - The Ruffin Series of the Society for Business Ethics 2:23-43.
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    Gianni Vattimo's hermeneutics and the trace of divinity.Dr Luca D'Isanto - 1994 - Modern Theology 10 (4):361-381.
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    II. Das „Sein”.Prof Dr Hans Driesch - 1939 - Synthese 4 (1):467-482.
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